Method of Weighted ResidualsCommas Lecture "Discretization Methods", held by Dr.-Ing. A. SchmidtExercise 3Maple file created by Stefan Spreng in Dec 2009General computations for the Method of Weighted Residualsrestart:with(Optimization):numerical values that will be used later to plot the results (not used for the computations):lvalue:=1: # length
qvalue:=1: # magnitude of the load
EIvalue:=1: # bending stiffnessdefine a function exactsolution(x) for the exact solution as a reference:exactsolution:=proc(x)
q*l^4/(360*EI) * (3*(x/l)^5 - 10*(x/l)^3 + 7*(x/l)):
end proc:
exactsolution(x);1. Write down the DE and the BCdifferential equation: defined in the form DE=0
(with u4 being the 4th derivative of u)DE:=EI*u4-q/l*x;specify number of BC and define BC:n_BC:=4;
BC:=[[x=0, u=0],
[x=l, u=0],
[x=0, u2=0],
[x=l, u2=0]];2. Choose number n of free parameters c_i
define the number n of free parameters:n:=4;define the list of free parameters cc:=[seq(c||i, i=1..n)];3. Choose n appropriate shape functions
define n shape functions s:s:=[seq(sin(i*Pi*x/l), i=1..n)]:
for i from 1 to n do
print(s||i= s[i]);
od;plot([seq(eval(s[i], l=lvalue), i=1..n)], x=0..lvalue, legend=[seq(cat("s",j), j=1..n)]);4. Assemble the trial function uu = sum (c_i * s_i ):u:=sum(c[j]*s[j],j=1..n);find the necessary derivatives of the trial function:u1:=combine(diff(u,x),trig);
u4:=combine(diff(u3,x),trig);we use an interior method: check whether the boundary conditions are fulfilledfor i from 1 to n_BC do
if (eval(subs(BC[i][1], BC[i][2])))
then print("BC "||i||" ok");
else print("BC "||i||" NOT ok");
end if;
5. Define the Residual
define the residual as the differential equation in terms of the trial function, i.e. as a function of the free parameters:R:=DE;now we need a way to determine the free parameters c_1 to c_n.
4 different methods to do this will be shown:a. Method of SubdomainsThe method of Subdomains is a method to find values for the free parameters in the trial function unassign('SDcollpoints', 'SDeqns', 'SDc', 'SDu', 'SDfuncu', 'SDfuncuf', 'approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1');6a. Choose weight functions and create n equations for the free parameters
define n subdomains of equal length:SDsubdom:=[seq(l/n*i, i=0..n)];create n equations for the free parameters:for i from 1 to n do
od;7a. Solve the system of equations for the free parametersSDc:=(solve({seq(SDeqns[i],i=1..n)},c))[1]; # solve returns a list of lists -> use only the first entry8a. Rewrite the trial function with the solution for the free parametersThis is the approximate solution to the DE found with this methodSDu:=subs(SDc,u);9a. Check the Results
define functions SDfuncu(x) and SDfuncuf(x) that return the result obtained from the trial function at point x as an exact value or a numerical value respectivelySDfuncu:=proc(xx) sort(simplify(eval(subs(x=xx,SDu)))); end proc:
SDfuncuf:=proc(xx) evalf(subs(x=xx,SDu)); end proc:print the result at the point x1:x1:=l/2; # should be given in terms of l
exact:=exactsolution(x1)=evalf(exactsolution(x1));plot the results after assuming numerical values for l, q, and EI:l:=lvalue: q:=qvalue: EI:=EIvalue:
plot([-SDfuncu(x),-exactsolution(x)], x=0..l, title = "comparison of exact and approximated results", labels=["length", "deflection"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["approx.","exact"]);
SDs:=seq(subs(SDc[i], -c[i]*s[i]), i=1..n): SDlegend:=seq(cat("j = ",i), i=1..n):
plot([-SDfuncu(x), SDs], x=0..l, title = "how do the n different shape functions add up?", labels=["length", "c_j * u_j"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["sum",SDlegend]);Error analysis: absolute errorSDerr:=proc(x)
end proc:
plot(SDerr(x), x=0..l, labels=["length", "absolute error"], gridlines=true);Maximum value of absolute errorSDexterr:=Maximize(abs(SDerr(x)),x=0..l);Relative error at this locationSDextrelerr:=SDexterr[1]/eval(exactsolution(x),SDexterr[2]);unassign('approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1'): sort([anames(user)]):b. Collocation MethodThe Collocation Method is a method to find values for the free parameters in the trial function unassign('CMcollpoints', 'CMeqns', 'CMc', 'CMu', 'CMfuncu', 'CMfuncuf', 'approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1');6b. Choose weight functions and create n equations for the free parameters
define n collocation points in the domain l:(you can do that either automatically or by hand. If done automatically, the collocation points have equal distances.If done manually, you have to take care that you adjust the number of collocation points to the numberr n of freeparameters!)CMcollpoints:=[seq(l/(n+1)*i, i=1..n)]; # this line creates n collocation points with equal distance
#CMcollpoints:=[1/2*l, 3/4*l]; # here, the collocation points can be entered manuallycreate n equations for the free parameters:for i from 1 to n do
CMeqns[i]:=expand(subs(x=CMcollpoints[i], R))=0;
od;7b. Solve the system of equations for the free parametersCMc:=(solve({seq(CMeqns[i],i=1..n)},c))[1]; # solve returns a list of lists -> use only the first entry8b. Rewrite the trial function with the solution for the free parametersThis is the approximate solution to the DE found with this methodCMu:=subs(CMc,u);9b. Check the Results
define functions CMfuncu(x) and CMfuncuf(x) that return the result obtained from the trial function at point x as an exact value or a numerical value respectivelyCMfuncu:=proc(xx) sort(simplify(eval(subs(x=xx,CMu)))); end proc:
CMfuncuf:=proc(xx) evalf(subs(x=xx,CMu)); end proc:print the result at the point x1:x1:=l/2; # should be given in terms of l
exact:=exactsolution(x1)=evalf(exactsolution(x1));plot the results after assuming numerical values for l, q, and EI:l:=lvalue: q:=qvalue: EI:=EIvalue:
plot([-CMfuncu(x), -exactsolution(x)], x=0..l, title = "comparison of exact and approximated results", labels=["length", "deflection"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["approx.","exact"]);
CMs:=seq(subs(CMc[i], -c[i]*s[i]), i=1..n): CMlegend:=seq(cat("j = ",i), i=1..n):
plot([-CMfuncu(x), CMs], x=0..l, title = "how do the n different shape functions add up?", labels=["length", "c_j * s_j"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["sum",CMlegend]);Error analysis: absolute errorCMerr:=proc(x)
end proc:
plot(CMerr(x), x=0..l, labels=["length", "absolute error"], gridlines=true);Maximum value of absolute errorCMexterr:=Maximize(abs(CMerr(x)),x=0..l);Relative error at this locationCMextrelerr:=CMexterr[1]/eval(exactsolution(x),CMexterr[2]);unassign('approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1'): sort([anames(user)]):c. Method of Least SquaresThe Least Squares Method is a method to find values for the free parameters in the trial function unassign('LSweightfunctions', 'LSeqns', 'LSc', 'LSu', 'LSfuncu', 'LSfuncuf', 'approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1');6c. Choose weight functions and create n equations for the free parameters
define n weight functions of the form dR / dc_jfor i from 1 to n do
LSweightfunctions[i]:=diff(R, c[i]);
od;create n equations for the free parameters:for i from 1 to n do
LSeqns[i]:=expand(int(LSweightfunctions[i]*R, x=0..l))=0;
od;7c. solve the system of equations for the free parametersLSc:=(solve({seq(LSeqns[i],i=1..n)},c))[1]; # solve returns a list of lists -> use only the first entry8c. Rewrite the trial function with the solution for the free parametersThis is the approximate solution to the DE found with this methodLSu:=subs(LSc,u);9c. Check the Resultsdefine functions LSfuncu(x) and LSfuncuf(x) that return the result obtained from the trial function at point x as an exact value or a numerical value respectivelyLSfuncu:=proc(xx) sort(simplify(eval(subs(x=xx,LSu)))); end proc:
LSfuncuf:=proc(xx) evalf(subs(x=xx,LSu)); end proc:print the result at the point x1:x1:=l/2; # should be given in terms of l
exact:=exactsolution(x1)=evalf(exactsolution(x1));plot the results after assuming numerical values for l, q, and EI:l:=lvalue: q:=qvalue: EI:=EIvalue:
plot([-LSfuncu(x),-exactsolution(x)], x=0..l, title = "comparison of exact and approximated results", labels=["length", "deflection"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["approx.","exact"]);
LSs:=seq(subs(LSc[i], -c[i]*s[i]), i=1..n): LSlegend:=seq(cat("j = ",i), i=1..n):
plot([-LSfuncu(x), LSs], x=0..l, title = "how do the n different shape functions add up?", labels=["length", "c_j * u_j"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["sum",LSlegend]);Error analysis: absolute errorLSerr:=proc(x)
end proc:
plot(LSerr(x), x=0..l, labels=["length", "absolute error"], gridlines=true);Maximum value of absolute errorLSexterr:=Maximize(abs(LSerr(x)),x=0..l);Relative error at this locationLSextrelerr:=LSexterr[1]/eval(exactsolution(x),LSexterr[2]);unassign('approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1'): sort([anames(user)]):d. Galerkin's MethodGalerkin's Method is a method to find values for the free parameters in the trial function unassign('GMweightfunctions', 'GMeqns', 'GMc', 'GMu', 'GMfuncu', 'GMfuncuf', 'approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1');6d. Choose weight functions and create n equations for the free parameters
define n weight functions which are the same as the shape functionsfor i from 1 to n do
od;create n equations for the free parameters:for i from 1 to n do
GMeqns[i]:=(int(GMweightfunctions[i]*R, x=0..l))=0;
od;7d. Solve the system of equations for the free parametersGMc:=(solve({seq(GMeqns[i],i=1..n)},c))[1]; # solve returns a list of lists -> use only the first entry8d. Rewrite the trial function with the solution for the free parametersThis is the approximate solution to the DE found with this methodGMu:=subs(GMc,u);9d. Check the Results
define functions GMfuncu(x) and GMfuncuf(x) that return the result obtained from the trial function at point x as an exact value or a numerical value respectivelyGMfuncu:=proc(xx) sort(simplify(eval(subs(x=xx,GMu)))); end proc:
GMfuncuf:=proc(xx) evalf(subs(x=xx,GMu)); end proc:print the result at the point x1:x1:=l/2; # should be given in terms of l
exact:=exactsolution(x1)=evalf(exactsolution(x1));plot the results after assuming numerical values for l, q, and EI:l:=lvalue: q:=qvalue: EI:=EIvalue:
plot([-GMfuncu(x),-exactsolution(x)], x=0..l, title = "comparison of exact and approximated results", labels=["length", "deflection"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["approx.","exact"]);
GMs:=seq(subs(GMc[i], -c[i]*s[i]), i=1..n): GMlegend:=seq(cat("j = ",i), i=1..n):
plot([-GMfuncu(x), GMs], x=0..l, title = "how do the n different shape functions add up?", labels=["length", "c_j * u_j"], gridlines=true, tickmarks=[10, default], legend=["sum",GMlegend]);Error analysis: absolute errorGMerr:=proc(x)
end proc:
plot(GMerr(x), x=0..l, labels=["length", "absolute error"], gridlines=true);Maximum value of absolute errorGMexterr:=Maximize(abs(GMerr(x)),x=0..l);Relative error at this locationGMextrelerr:=GMexterr[1]/eval(exactsolution(x),GMexterr[2]);unassign('approx', 'exact', 'l', 'q', 'EI', 'x1'): sort([anames(user)]):Comparison of the results obtained with the different methodsGraphical comparison of the different solutions:l:=lvalue: q:=qvalue: EI:=EIvalue:
legend=["exact", Subdomains, Collocation, LeastSquares, Galerkin]);Comparison of the absolute errorsplot([SDerr(x),CMerr(x),LSerr(x),GMerr(x)],x=0..l,
legend=[Subdomains, Collocation, LeastSquares, Galerkin]);Tabular overview of the different values for the free parameters:(Rigth click into the table an choose "Evaluate All" to obtain current values)NiNJK1N1YmRvbWFpbnNHNiI=NiNJLENvbGxvY2F0aW9uRzYiNiNJLUxlYXN0U3F1YXJlc0c2Ig==NiNJKUdhbGVya2luRzYiNiNJI2MxRzYiNiNJI2MyRzYiNiNJI2MzRzYiNiNJI2M0RzYiNiNJI2M1RzYiNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MxRzYiIiIiIiIiJCIrME8pRzEpISIqNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MyRzYiIiIiIiIiJCErRjZsPkQhIzU=Error, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MxRzYiIiIiIiIiJCIrO3cxRmYhIio=NiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MyRzYiIiIiIiIiJCErYGQhW0IiISM1Error, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MxRzYiIiIiIiIiJCIrI0dGYmAnISIqNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MyRzYiIiIiIiIiJCErd0FOVT8hIzU=Error, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MxRzYiIiIiIiIiJCIrI0dGYmAnISIqNiMvLCQqJiIlKzUiIiJJI2MyRzYiIiIiIiIiJCErd0FOVT8hIzU=Error, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorError, invalid subscript selectorNiMiJSs1NiNJL3JlYWx0aXZlfmVycm9yRzYiNiMkIitHeU4nUSMhIzU=NiMkIitWRVxWJiohIzY=NiMkIitfJGVtOSIhIzY=NiMkIitfJGVtOSIhIzY=JSFH