Numerical and experimental investigation of oscillations of circular saw blades with damping slits


Pressemitteilung (Bessere Oberflächenqualität, weniger Lärm - Universität Stuttgart)

Pressemitteilung (Die Tücken des Kreissägeblatts - Stuttgarter Zeitung)

The project focuses on the numerical investigation into the influence of the damping slits in circular saw blades. The goal is to provide a computation method so as to predict the (critical) vibration of saw blades. In doing so, the Finite Element Method in structure mechanics is applied. The viscoelastic filling material, which is inserted in the damping slits, as well as the gyroscopic effect of the rotating saw blade are taken into account. An numerical modal analysis reveals the respective eigenvalues (eigenfrequencies) with the vibration modes, together with the vibrational decay of each mode. If it is negative, the respective eigenmode is unstable.

A mathematical method, known as path following, is applied in order to evaluate the stability limits. In this case, a substantial parameter, as for instance the rotation speed is integrated into the numerical model and increased iteratively, which serves as the foundation for an optimal configuration of the saw blade under consideration.

The  numerical investigations are accompanied by experiments through which the numerical methods can be verified.


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