The Tippedisk: A Minimal Model For Friction-Induced Inversion

11. Januar 2022

ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, December 12 - 15, 2021, Budapest, Hungary

The tippedisk is a new mechanical-mathematical archetype for friction induced insta bility phenomena, showing an inversion similar to the inversion of the tippetop. Un like the tippetop, the tippedisk has no rotational symmetry, which greatly complicates its analysis. Since the system cannot be reduced to a planar one, one has to consider the full three-dimensional kinematics, being intrinsically nonlinear. In this work a new minimal model is derived that contains the main relevant physical effects so that the inversion phenomenon can be described qualitatively. The in-depth analysis leads to slow-fast systems with homoclinic connections and global bifurcations.


Dieses Bild zeigt Remco I. Leine

Remco I. Leine

Prof. Dr. ir. habil.


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