Zeit: | 7. Mai 2019, 17:00 Uhr |
Veranstaltungsort: | Hörsaal V 7.03 Pfaffenwaldring 7 Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen |
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Nonlinear mechanical dynamics are at the very core of every movement that a human, animal, or robot executes. Studying these dynamics in a fundamental manner and then systematically applying the gained knowledge to push the limits of robotic performance in terms of speed, agility, or efficiency has been the foundation of my research work for over a decade. I look at these topics through the theory of nonlinear systems, through conceptual models, through robotic hardware implementations, and through simple biomechanical experiments. Besides legged robotic systems, my work has applications in the field of prosthetics, orthotics, and active exoskeletons that help restoring the locomotion skills of the disabled and can be used as training and rehabilitation devices for the injured. I further apply my research in the area of soft robotic systems.
C. David Remy is a Full Professor at the Institute for Nonlinear Mechanics at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. He received his Ph.D. from ETH Zurich and holds a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a Diploma in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart. Prior to his appointment in at the Institute of Nonlinear Mechanics, Prof. Remy was an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.