- Dozent:
- Beginn:
wird nicht mehr angeboten
- Assistent
- Sprache:
Vorlesung: Englisch
Schriftliche Unterlagen: Englisch - Nummer:
- Umfang:
4 SWS, 6 LP
This lecture is intended for graduate and PhD students from engineering sciences who are interested in the formulation of the mechanics of nonlinear continua. The nonlinearities occur on the one hand from geometrically exact descriptions and on the other hand from material nonlinearities.
After an introduction to tensor algebra and tensor analysis, the course makes the students familiar to the foundations of nonlinear continuum mechanics. The foundations include concepts such as the deformation gradient, finite strain measures, stress tensors, the principle of virtual work, Cauchy's first and second law of motion and constitutive laws. The aim of the lecture is to give the student a basic knowledge and understanding of nonlinear continuum mechanics. The course provides tools for a variational formulation of the mechanics of continua which undergo large displacements and finite strains and whose material behaviors are possibly described by nonlinear constitutive laws.
I | One-Dimensional Continuum |
II | Tensor Algebra in Euclidean Space |
III | Tensor Analysis in Euclidean Space |
IV | Three-Dimensional Continuum |
V | Constitutive Theory |
über ILIAS
mündliche Prüfung, 30 min.
nach Absprache
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